Monthly Archives: February 2022

Looking for Faithfulness

Yesterday was depressing. Worldwide events. Local friend’s trauma. It. Was. Depressing. Therefore, as lame as it sounds, I decided to sew. Sewing is my de-stressing, anxiety releasing, happy place. And it was working! The project was coming together beautifully. I was getting excited. I was going to finish! And then I ran out of thread. For a lot of projects, I just turn to a neutral and all is well. But this time, I had chosen neon coral fabric. No neutral goes with neon coral. I only had three seams left. No thread. It was the stupid icing on the depression cake.

Like any sane person, I decided to go buy more. I had purchased it at Hobby Lobby. It was sunday. Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday. Now, I needed my favorite pizza for dinner. Instead of picking it up at the convenient five-minute-away location, I decided to pick it up fifteen minutes away at the location next to Walmart so I could also buy thread. Win win. I could still beat this day! Guess what?! Walmart doesn’t have any neon coral thread. None.

I was frustrated and heading to the exit. Ukraine. Hurting friends. No thread. STILL NO THREAD. Winter boots. Wait, what?! Winter boots? There, in the middle of the aisle, was a table full of winter boots. Boys winter boots. Marked down from $30 to $5. I have four boys. I’m pretty much always on the lookout for boys winter boots. I bought two pairs.

What is the point of the silly story of my day? Let me share a verse, “Look at the stressed out, American mother: she needs boots for her boys but doesn’t even know when or where to look, and yet your heavenly Father provides them at the most unexpected moment. Are you, and Ukraine, and your friends with broken hearts not of more value than boots?” Maybe I got that a little wrong. But the point is exactly the same. Do you realize all the details God had to orchestrate for me to find those boots? Thread running out, pizza pick up at an unusual location, boots on clearance at the right moment, my path walking out of the store for crying out loud! If God cares enough to do all that for my first world, of little importance, need, what is He doing in Russia and Ukraine? What thousands of events is He orchestrating to bring about His purposes? What about my friends in pain, has He forgotten about them? Never. His care in my tiny everyday needs are what reminds me that He is faithful in worldwide events, in incredible trama felt by people I care about, in EVERYTHING.

Remember the first word of the verse is “look,” because without looking, you’ll never see. “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26